How To: Weed without Weed Killer Chemicals
Hi! I am an HGTV person. I love the Gaines' of course, but I'm also a huge fan of Fixer to Fabulous, Home Town, and well pretty much any reno show that's not a competition nor a "high stakes anxiety ridden nail biter". If I'm watching TV it's to relax, there's enough anxiety in life without adding fictional to the mix. That tangent being said, I saw an episode recently in Fixer to Fabulous where Dave Marrs used a flame thrower to clear a large portion of weeds on a patio in a short time. As a fellow pyro person I was intrigued and started the all-knowing Google machine on if this is actually a thing. Turns out it totally is. Weed flame throwers are here and available in your local home improvement store. Once I knew that this existed I decided that Grant and I clearly needed one as I still had sores on my hands from a "rage weed" session a few days previously and I went to the store and got one for Grant and my Dad as birthday gifts. (When ...