How To: Sell Old Clothes (Consignment Shops)


So I am not affiliated with anyone or anything and this is not an ad, just how I sell used clothes as a sustainability tool that's easy on the wallet.

“The most environmentally friendly product is the one you didn’t buy.” 

– Joshua Becker

I don't really know a lot about Joshua Becker other than he's written a few books on minimalistic living, but this quote makes a lot of sense to me. If you have the chance to alter/repair clothing then go for it! It'll fit better and saves $$.

That being said, as a mom of two, I still definitely have to buy clothes and items for myself, my spouse, and our boys. We will very occasionally purchase new items, but I always check used clothing/equipment stores first whether in-person or online.

The three I use the most are:

- Thred-up (online and super simple, especially if looking for something very specific)

- Once Upon a Child (in-person, if you have kids and are not shopping there you're missing out BIG TIME!)

- Snooty Fox (a local-to-Cincinnati place that has a lot of more high end brands that also sells some home decor AND has mens' clothing, a lot of consignment doesn't do guys clothes it seems)

To sell at each of the above:

Thred Up

1. Go on the "Thred Up App" and sign into your account (or make one if you haven't already)

2.  Select the "Clean Out" icon at the bottom.
3. "Get Started" or "Order A New Kit" if you've done this before.

4. Your bag will arrive in the mail after about a week to two weeks. It's about the size of a standard trash bag and fits A LOT. (Just check to make sure that you're following the rules listed in your kit about items that may or may not be included. i.e. clean clothes, unaltered, no pajamas, etc)

5. Mail it back (postage is handled by Thred Up)

6. Wait for items to sell. You can track progress on the app under your account.

Once Upon a Child

1. Bring Clean items to store.

2. Either drop off or wait for them to sort there. They'll check you in with your phone number associated with your account or will make one for you at time of drop off.

3. Come back or receive cash directly there depending on how long it takes and if you're shopping while you're there. 

Snooty Fox

1. Bring clean and WRINKLE-FREE items in ON HANGERS.

2. Check them in with your account card or create an account at time of drop off. If you forget your account number they can look you up.

3. Come back roughly 6 weeks later to see what sold and receive cash payout.

This is an easy and inexpensive way to avoid clothes going into landfills and avoiding 'fast fashion'. Our payouts usually go into shopping for the next set of sizes for the kids, getting holiday gifts, or finding toy items that work well for therapy 'take home exercises'.

That's it for today!

Wishing you happiness!!!



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