How To: Reduce Plastic Waste


So Cincinnati has recycling pick-up every other week, however they, like pretty much all recycling trucks, don't pick up plastic from grocery bags/packaging/etc.

Kroger has a solution to this and it's relatively simple:

1. bring all your plastic (clean with no food residue) into Kroger

2. put them into the bins designated for plastic recycling right next to the front doors in the entry area

3. walk away feeling good because less plastic is going directly into landfills as 'single use plastic'

4. realize that you forgot your reusable shopping bags and facepalm while walking back out to car

*#4 is optional but I do it pretty frequently 

If you are like me and constantly forget to bring in your reusable bags, try ones that fit in your purse/backpack and you then have at least one on hand all the time. It's worked pretty well this past year for at least smaller trips.

One of my wonderful friends gave these out to all of us as a holiday gift this past year and I use it pretty much every week. 

Fits easily into just about any purse including a fanny pack/shoulder bag.

Jamie is a born model! ;-)

Reusable Shopping Bag

That's all for today!

๐Ÿ’› Jess


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