Christmas Recap 2024

Happy New Years Eve! I took last week off from blogging or really doing anything but resting, spending time with my family, and a bit of decluttering. It was the best time and I feel so much better going into the new year. Below is a photo journal essentially of all of the fun we had on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We will make a photo book for 2024 and then Grant and I will declutter all these photos on our phones. First up on our Christmas Eve Family Day was a trip to the Children’s museum. We invest in memberships for the museum, zoo, and even aquarium every year and it’s so worth it for the memories for our boys and us! Then we went out to lunch (not a common event for us because it’s always well… an event). We went to Texas Roadhouse and used some free kids lunch certificates the restaurant had gifted to every child in their school. Fun fact our waiter was the marketer who made that happen! 🥰 Then later that night it was time for cocoa and a drive around the neighb...