We Rock the Spectrum


The boys had Monday off for a planning/professional development day for the teachers. I’m still not able to move around a lot or lift so with those limitations and the weather still cold, we went to our favorite indoor play gym!

We Rock the Spectrum is an indoor, sensory friendly, play gym. It is designed for children with disabilities, but anyone is welcome! The activities are a fun way to safely get out a lot of energy and everyone there has the understanding that kids might need an extra moment or even physical assistance with something at some point and so the assistance is offered without a second thought and the kids are back to playing as they should. 

The concept of a place where you don’t have to apologize for breaking social norms is comforting and encouraging.

These gyms are all over and there are three in our area, but we especially love the Cincinnati one! 🥰 They offer open play as a family, hourly child care, parties, and camps. 

That’s all for today!



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