Little Reminder
I’ve been told I need to slow down a little again for the next few weeks and so I felt like this was a good time to just give a little reminder to anyone reading this… including future me.
It’s ok to do one thing at a time, life is not a race to see who can accomplish the most at once so:
- take a few deep belly breaths
- relax your jaw and shoulders
- drink a little water
And press that snooze button for five minutes to start your day snuggling with your spouse, take the extra 30 seconds to give your loved ones an extra long hug good bye, or give into the puppy eyes and sit down on the floor to play with your fur baby even if only for a minute. We can treat ourselves with love and grace. We can be kind to our bodies and if we’re feeling overwhelmed just take a five or ten minute walk outside. It won’t kill our productivity and we will develop habits that let us cherish our lives.
Wishing you love and light,
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