Evening routine
I’m up at my normal time today and going to drop the kids and Grant off at school and work then head over to my work at the zoo today! I know I’m probably pushing a little harder than I should but this is making my mind and heart feel so much better so it’s worth it to me as long as I stay cautious about lifting/exertion.
It feels like morning routines are a hot topic regularly, but I want to talk about evening routine today. There are some parts of this that we haven’t been able to do as normal over the past couple of weeks, but last night it felt like we were getting back into it and my heart was so happy.
1. Dinner
We try to eat dinner together at the table every night and do “favorite things” as a family. The boys like this and it’s easy to conceptualize because there’s a Bluey script for it.
2. Bible Ice Cream
We all cuddle on the couch and the boys each get a mini cone from Trader Joe’s while we do a family Bible lesson.
3. Bathtime
Leo goes first for bath and then gets his lotion as the poor guy gets really dry skin. Jamie closes out and they both really love brushing their teeth and flossing. It’s pretty cute and they’re getting a lot more independent about their evening hygiene which is nice. I’ll also wash my own face and teeth during this time both to model and because it’s kinda my last push of energy before bed.
4. Story time
I’ll snuggle with one of the boys, usually Leo, while Grant reads them to sleep. Right now we’re reading a wonderful book from my sweet friend Marcie, The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. She sent it when she knew I was going to be down for a while and we LOVE it so far. Leo is also a “nester” with every lovey he owns all piled up with him which is super cute and so sweet that each one has its special bedtime routine with him.
5. Adult time
Grant and I then sneak out and get to watch a show together or talk or read together… whatever we need to fill our cup. I’m so grateful for such an amazing spouse and family.
That’s all for today.
💛 Jess
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