Seasonal: little things that I’m doing every day in this season of life
Back to school today and back to normal routine for me which gives me so much comfort. Inspired by this, im going over my daily “little things” that are bringing me contentment in this season.
Playing the piano
Im not a pianist, but I love the challenge each evening of tackling one or two songs while the boys are brushing their teeth. There are some days when they’re just too high energy and it doesn’t work out, but most days this is a little thing bringing me joy.
Knitting while listening to The Bible Recap
I am someone who needs something to do with my hands to sit still. Knitting has become that for me when doing my daily quiet time. This is definitely an every day thing for me and I just do two rows at a time. I’m hoping that by spring I’ll have a scarf for the boys and then will start on hats for everyone for Christmas but we’ll see.
Watching Bluey with my kids
I love this show. The boys love this show. It’s a great series of entertaining social stories that holds Al of our attention and I love using this as a calming thing for all of us, usually in the evening before bedtime routine. I also appreciate that this show has allowed me to not take things too seriously, to be ok with messes, and given me a social story for parenting creatively. Seriously it’s been inspirational in a quiet and fun way and we are fans of this family snuggle time.
Shaving my legs every day
This used to be something that I over thought, like really weirdly over thought. Then I read that some ladies just do this daily and I started and it works! My skin is clearer, I feel better and more put together, and I’ve “decided once” as Kendra Adachi would say, and I’m happy with this decision.
Dishes and Laundry
I do at least one load every days. This is something that helps our, relatively, small house feel organized and clean. We also don’t use a dryer and so this really helps to keep the amount of time spent daily manageable.
There are definitely other things but that’s it for today. Now to wrestle, bribe, and snuggle my four going on 14 year old to wake up for school. 🤪
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