Let’s Look: Low Level Goals for 2025
I’m going to try to keep up with this concept/challenge/link-up (seriously I need to figure out how to do that properly) from Mixandmatcama.com and alittlebitofeverythingblog.com for this year. It’s a once a month post about different things in each persons life and I love reading it on their blogs so it might be fun to look back on later in life about my own life. 🙂
I already shared my “resolutions” which are essentially these goals but here’s a recap a couple of weeks in of what is actually going to happen… I think.
1. Mailing a letter or card once a month to a friend I don’t talk to regularly. I still love this concept and it’s fun to try to keep connected with a couple of my sweet friends in a way that feels more personal but still doesn’t add too much to an already busy schedule. This will be the last week of the month and I can easily grab a card from the zoo or Trader Joe’s or just write a letter and it’ll still be fun.
2. Family Bible time. Originally I thought a nightly family Bible time was going to be too big of a change too quickly, but with the kids version of the Bible recap we go through the lesson, just not reading aloud all the chapters yet, and it feels like good connection. We are also doing Terri Irwin’s three questions at dinner time of one good thing today, one exciting thing about tomorrow, and something that helps someone else today. Arnis particularly loves the Bible time as I’ve incorporated an idea from our church and instead of Donuts with Jesus it’s Bible ice cream where he gets a mini cone from Trader Joe’s. 🥰
3. No spend weeks. We’ve scheduled one complete no spend week a month where we will only get gas or food groceries, that’s it. I’m excited about this one as I think it will be a fun challenge and also will help us work on patience and be more creative with what we already have.
4. Use it up. I do not intend to purchase any products for cleaning, skin, whatever until we are on the last drops of our previous one. This feels good to me and also is helpful as we do have a relatively small house so we don’t have a ton of space to just store “stuff”.
5. Stop saving baby stuff. I said earlier this year that we had three early miscarriages last year. With that I’d been saving some of our baby stuff and maternity stuff just in case. I’m done though. If something happens and we are fortunate enough to add to our family we can always get what we need at once upon a child or another store, but it’s time to stop hoarding for our “potential life” and living the life we already have. We’ll still keep a few small things but big items like strollers or bouncers or whatever needs to start making it’s way to someone who will use it now.
That’s all for today!
💛 Jessie
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