Friday Favs: January Week 5


We are a little off schedule this week as the boys have today off and Leo had yesterday off which allowed for a special 1:1 day. Leo is enjoying the “lie in” today and Jamie is my lazy morning buddy! 🥰

I’ve continued doing my post-work mini-workout with my weight vest walking around the zoo before picking up the kids. On Monday the African painted dogs were REALLY curious as there weren’t a lot of people around and one came right up to me at the glass. They’re some of the best hunters in the world for their teamwork and stamina so definitely a species to appreciate from a distance, but so important for the ecosystem and so wonderful!
Leo has continued choosing games for his special time (1:1 time each of the kids gets every day after school) and it’s been a lot of fun. I’m not always the best at creative play, but I can play a game like it’s my job! 😉
For Leo’s day off yesterday we went to Trader Joe’s, made breakfast at home with our bestie Lisa, and then went to the Newport Aquarium. I’ll share all the pictures from the aquarium another time but seeing him really get into the animal encounters and appreciate the beauty of these species that used to make him nervous, like sting rays, makes me so proud. He was the ray and shark whisperer because they were all coming right up to him the whole time. His giggle was also infectious and seemed to have put some others around us at ease as well. 🥰

Last one for today is just how proud I am of Jamie. At Doughnuts and Jesus (children’s chapel at our church) he helped with the lesson for the day and got to act out Jesus as a child in the temple. It was so sweet to see him participate and I’m so grateful that our church gives each of the kids a chance to participate how it makes sense to them. They even use visual schedules and other adaptive teaching tools to help with different learning methods. I truly am so grateful for our community. 



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