Wednesday Homework Routine


Today I’m going to go over a little bit of our homework routine as this worked for us and I therefore NEED to codify for future reference. 

Jamie’s teacher mentioned that “boxes” work well and so we have something centering in his first box, homework in the second, and a treat in the third. We also use a visual schedule for our overall routine and visual timers for boxes 1 & 3 to make the transition easier. 🙂

Today we have outside time, homework, go get Daddy (we are a one car family and Grant can only bike two days a week to work as Wednesday and Thursday location is a little further out), and then dinner! (We also have tennis today but I couldn’t find the tennis PEC so I’ll have to handle that with our travel board.

Our boxes for today were painting, homework activity book, then a piece of Halloween candy for a treat.

Leo likes homework and so we do his while Jamie did his painting and then Leo got some tablet time so I could focus on Jamie for a few minutes. We’ll then switch to legos or something else as it’s a little rainy here to go along with my mood today.

That’s all for today! Now to go reread Factfullness by Hans Rosling as a mood booster.



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