Weekly highlights: August 30, 2024


We’ve made it to Friday! This week that feels like a celebration and marks two full weeks of both kids in school and me at the zoo! There have been a few rough moments with dysregulation and frustration that resulted in Grant and I having to tell off the boys or everyone needing a time out to calm down, but overall it’s been good.

Top five from this week are:

5. Swimming at the YMCA: Jamie and Leo are both jumping in and LOVING swimming. Luckily this is an all year thing for us since the Y has an indoor option and we are so grateful! Leo even moved up a level in swim class!!!!

4. Jamie and Leo’s teachers: I could not love these women more and I’m so beyond grateful for how perfect they are for the boys. This is not to put anyone on a pedestal or put that pressure to be perfect on them, but it is a perfect fit in personality for each child and I love it!

3. Working with the penguins: one of my projects at the zoo right now necessitates working alongside team bird to work with some equipment and getting to see the penguins while we’re doing this is the BEST!!!

2. Grant: I’ve been getting frustrated with easier with the kids and have raised my voice a few times and apologized to the boys for not modeling better for them. Grant, however, has stepped in and been so supportive and taking on so much with helping all of us to regulate better during those rough hours after school but right before dinner. He truly is amazing and I love him so much for all he does for me and our family.

1. Jamie’s adaptive tennis: Jamie kept asking for his friend M, and so we went ahead and signed him up for adaptive tennis again with the local league so they could play together and it was beautiful to watch. It was perfect for Jamie and he was so happy and proud!!! 

That’s all for today, as Lottie from Princess Frog would say, “back into the fray!”

💛 Jess


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