Top five: family dinners

 Hello and happy Thursday!

We have a fairly standard dinner routine to keep things relatively stress free for our whole family. We keep to a meal schedule during the week and then experiment a little more on weekends. Here are our current top five during the week meals.

Monday: breakfast for dinner, usually pancakes as this is Leo’s all time favorite though we’ll throw in avocado and eggs as well.

Tuesday: crepes, you can add just about anything to these from leftover tikka masala to peppers and onion to Nutella for a very picky eater in a desert crepe.

Wednesday: pasta night, spaghetti and marinara is a hit and I can usually add some extra peppers and spinach and such into the sauce without anyone getting upset.

Thursday: pizza night, we love the Trader Joe’s pesto pizzas and both boys will eat this, sometimes with the arugula that I add after it’s cooked.

Friday: comfort food, our favorite lately is Mac and cheese with edamame, though I intend to start adding in soups and bread as it gets colder.

We also put a lot of fruit into their after school snacks along with diffident veggies to try dipping to make it more fun. Jamie is loving pretty much everything these days, Leo has become my picky guy but for him it feels like a phase and not a sensory need so I think it’ll just take some time.

That’s all for today!

๐Ÿ’› Jess


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