Meat free Monday: veggie bowls

 Good morning and happy Monday!

We’re going to switch things up this week and hopefully it goes well enough to make it a permanent change in routine.

We’ve made breakfast for dinner every Monday all summer but I think it’s time to switch to making veggie bowls on mondays so everyone can choose their combo similar to currito (I love that place).

Tonight the options will be:

- Pearl couscous 

- Brussels sprouts shaved and roasted

- chickpeas roasted

- dressing

- anything else I can find in the fridge so probably some type of cheese for the boys

On a side note I’m starting to rethink having a blog because I was reading about it affecting kids it their on it at all and I can’t tell if that’s just me being overly cautious or if it’s an invasion of privacy which is not the intend as this is really for me and Grant to look back on. Something for us to talk about for sure. 

That’s it for today!

💛 Jess


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