Me: guilty pleasure reality tv

 Good morning!

I am into reality TV, as I’ve said before I like mostly game shows etc Great British Bake Off, survivor, and the Bachelor and it’s spin-offs. I’m also totally into HGTV relaxing shows like Hometown or Fixer to Fabulous as I don’t find them anxiety inducing and they just give you hope in humanity a lot of times. 

All of that being said, there’s a new season of the Bachelorette out now and me and L are fully invested (especially given the announcement of nearly all episodes involving travel) and will be watching every Tuesday night! (Airs on mondays but we like to be able to pause or watch when we feel like it based on the boys bedtime.)

This week was our first watch party of the season and here’s my reaction! πŸ˜‰

Jenn - good job on taking ownership, not sure I would’ve felt comfortable making out that hard when people could walk in but respect to her for just going with how she felt

The men - TBD

The drama - myeh 

The next location - AHHHHH So excited!!!!!!!!!

Company for watch - A++++ πŸ’› hanging out with you L and Jamie!!!!

That’s all for today! Have a happy Wednesday in this mid-summer heat and stay safe for anyone who has been affected or will be by hurricane Beryl!

πŸ’› Jess


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