Top 5: Children's Books

 Happy Friday!!!

We read with the boys every night before bed as a way to settle down after their baths/showers and an episode or two of Bluey.  Usually it's a book or two from me and then Grant reads them to sleep from something that he enjoys. I'm not a huge fan of reading aloud, just not my thing, so I try to find somewhat shorter, but still engaging books for them that they can participate in and then Grant worked through several Tamora Pierce Books, one on Eisenhower I think, and now is going through Lord of the Rings with them. 

These are my favorite books that Jamie can stay engaged with, but are still fun for Leo as well and short enough that I look forward to reading aloud rather than it being a chore. I've included the amazon links as well, just in case: 

5. Llama Llama Red Pajama - I LOVE this book, we get really into it and even have our own routine with this book that the boys act out with me. I'm not a creative person when it comes to pretend play and stuff, my creativity comes out more in excel and coding solutions, but this one is really fun for us!

4. I Want My Hat Back - I have no idea why but every male I know from my four year old to my nearly forty year old husband loves this book and finds it hilarious. I don't get it but watching them all laugh so hard that they can't breathe is fun for me too! 

3. Bluey Grannies - Leo and I love playing "Grannies" it might not be a season that lasts long, but until it's over I'm going to enjoy finding ways that I can easily pretend play with him while in our bedtime routine and this book makes it a fun once I've finally got him into bed.

2. Owls Are Good At Keeping Secrets - Leo especially, but both of the boys really, love this book. It's a very beautiful alphabet book and they really enjoy being able to 'help' read it as they know their letters and are starting some basic sight reading. 

1. Fiona, It's Bedtime - This is a Cincinnati Zoo book and we LOVE it. It's a sweet listing of the different animals, Leo has the whole thing memorized and Jamie enjoys making the animal noises. We also play 'spot Fiona' to keep Jamie engaged as she's on every page. We have gone through multiple copies of this book because we've read it so much the first one fell apart. Such a sweet book and also one of my 'go to' items for baby showers. 

That's all for today, have a wonderful weekend!!!!


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