Me: 10 ways I’m doing self care this summer

 Good morning,

Yesterday was a bit busy and so I’m writing this post Wednesday morning after a few minutes of quiet. One of the people that I admire recently shared a list of ten ways she’s doing self-care and it got me thinking to how I’m going to do this during the summer.

1. Morning quiet time - taking a few minutes of quiet for myself every morning before the hustle of the day starts has been really good for me and makes me want to get out of bed! 

2. Drinking coffee the way I want it - a cup of decaf with a fancy creamer seems to be the secret weapon for me to smile in the morning before reading the kids out of bed or, in Jamie’s case, helping him get his breakfast ready.

3. Staying off social media - I’ve been off everything but blogs and linked in for over a year now and, while I miss some of the connection, I think I’m doing better without it.

4. Keeping to a schedule - this keeps the boys regulated which keeps me happy and calm. 

5. Being outside in the morning - summer mornings are the best. I love the slight cool before the day scotches and I love the peace with birds chirping and before traffic noises really take off.

6. Date nights with Grant - we’re still working on this, we haven’t done anything for just the two of us in a really long time so this needs to be a priority and will make me feel better.

7. Coding at the zoo - this fills my cup and makes me feel accomplished and needed as well as somewhat altruistic.

8. No guilt over lemon cruffins - I’ll get a picture this weekend or next but oh my goodness are these things good. Croissant + lemon pastry cream in a muffin form = pure joy

9. Read fun books - this is not necessarily the season for school/self-improvement kicks/whatever. I will still do some of that, but it doesn’t need to be the focus outside of what I’m already doing.

10. Snuggle with my boys every time they’ll let me - it won’t last forever and so I will say yes every time this summer. 

That’s all for today!

💛 Jess


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