Top Five: workouts that don’t feel like work

 Happy Friday!!!

I like being in shape, I like it for my self-esteem, I like it for the fact that lifting my kids isn’t too hard even when that fireman carry or piggyback lasts a mile or more, I like it for helping to deal with stress. That being said in-shape is a relative term and also I don’t like “punishing” my body or even putting in a workout so hard that I can’t do what I need to for my kids later that day or the next day from being too sore. 

My top five workouts are therefore geared towards improving my mental and physical health together and not necessarily where I once was of pushing my body to the extremes where it starts going into “save” mode aka losing my period and other biological indicators that I might be going too hard for me in this stage of life.

In reverse order as always:

5. Resistance band workouts- I like doing these because I can push myself without punishing myself, there are also a lot of folks on YouTube that make it feel like I’m in a class even if I’m in my basement at 5am.

4. Yoga classes- I do stress class because this is important for me to get out of the house. The Y offers some of these and I love it!!!

3. Treadmill runs- I used to be a run outside only person but having small children means that if I want to run in the morning I have to adapt. I like doing the “Taylor Swift” workout and putting her music on shuffle and then running the tempo of the songs to mix it up and keep it fun, I’ll also put on running videos of various places around the world to change things up if I’m at home.

2. Tennis- I don’t get to play often enough, hoping that changes this summer, but I love tennis as a workout, it’s agile, it’s cardio, it’s just fun. I’d put Nordic skiing here but… we live in Ohio so that’s not exactly the same as when we were in Alaska.

1. Hiking- I love hiking, I can make it more upper body by carrying a pack, the kids enjoy it. It just feels good. Period. 

Those are my five, but like I said at the top, this is what works for me. I switch it up, I still do some weights as well because I need to be able to keep lifting my kids for safety reasons. 

That’s all for today!

💛 Jess


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