Let’s Look: How we work on our marriage
Hello, I’m joining the party again this month, a big thank you to Shay from Mix and Match Mama and Erika from A Little Bit of Everything for setting this up and inviting us to share as well! 🥰 Grant and I are in a season of life that usually has our two little guys along for the ride. That means that we don’t have regular dinner dates or weekends away, but we find time that works in our schedule and season. 💛 1. Wednesday and Thursday Work Commute We are a one car family as we live in a city where parking isn’t always the easiest and we love the fact that it reduces our carbon impact and has the added bonus of allowing us to spend more time together. Grant takes public transportation to work Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, but on Wednesday and Thursday he works from a different location that doesn’t have an obvious route so I drive him between the kids drop off and heading over to the zoo. This time together is just us, we’re not on our phones, there’s no distractions o...
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