Hello, I’m going to try to keep up with this concept/challenge/link-up (seriously I need to figure out how to do that properly) from Mixandmatcama.com and alittlebitofeverythingblog.com for this year. It’s a once a month post about different things in each persons life and I love reading it on their blogs so it might be fun to look back on later in life about my own life. 🙂 I already shared my “resolutions” which are essentially these goals but here’s a recap a couple of weeks in of what is actually going to happen… I think. 1. Mailing a letter or card once a month to a friend I don’t talk to regularly. I still love this concept and it’s fun to try to keep connected with a couple of my sweet friends in a way that feels more personal but still doesn’t add too much to an already busy schedule. This will be the last week of the month and I can easily grab a card from the zoo or Trader Joe’s or just write a letter and it’ll still be fun. 2. Family Bible time. Originally I thought a nightl...
Happy Friday! Rainey day relaxation at its finest! So I’m putting mine, Grants, and the kids into this blog so I can remember this years down the road. 🙂 My list: 1. Under the Tuscan Sun 2. She’s All That 3. Downtown Abbey A New Era 4. Letters to Juliet 5. Mama Mia Grant’s list: 1. Kung Fu Panda 2. Star Wars Rogue One 3. Legend of Drunken Master 4. Iron Monkey 5. Final Fantasy 7 Kids’ list: 1. Paw Patrol Movie #2 2. Scooby Doo Camp Scare 3. Scooby Doo Kiss Crossover 4. Bugs Life 5. Buzz Lightyear Movie Honorable mentions as a family are Jumanji (the new one) and Jungle Cruise. Gotta love Dwayne Johnson. 😉 That’s all for today! Have a wonderful weekend! 💛Jess
Hey there! I'm Jess, a mom in Cincinnati Ohio, who is passionate about my family, doing my best to help the planet, and, hopefully, bringing a little positivity to the internet. I've worked on doing a practice blog for the past year to see if this is something that I want to pursue and it has been very therapeutic for me. As an intro, because no one wants to hear me ramble in paragraph form, here's 10 things about me: 1. My family is my priority. Always. 2. I'm extremely type A and therefore already have a schedule for this, if my mother ever reads this she's likely rolling her eyes and telling me to chill. 3. I can't sit still and will therefore fill my schedule part a a coping mechanism and part just because it's me. 4. I've been working extremely hard this past year to prioritize things that serve our family and saying goodbye to whatever adds unnecessary stress. 5. I'm a hardcore Enneagram 2 (the helper) and therefore my professional backgroun...
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