Meat free Monday: Oat Milk

 We go through a lot of milk at our house. Due to medical reasons we switched to plant based milk about nine months ago. We started with vanilla almond milk to make the transition easier in the kids. Almond milk isn’t super sustainable though so we’ve recently tried switching to oat milk which is also fun for the kids to make, much cheaper, and saves so many packaging materials.

Here’s the recipe that we found, loosely based off of one that I found online but I’ve messed with the proportions a bit.

Another win for oat milk is you can save the strained oats for cookie or oatmeal recipes the next day. 


6 cups water

1 cup oats

1/4 cup honey or agave

1 tsp vanilla

2 punches salt

Put everything into a blender and crush for at least 30 seconds.  Strain into your container and put the liquid in the fridge overnight. Don’t forget to shake in the morning!


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