Good News Thursday: Gladys’ Cast

 Cincinnati Zoo

Gladys the Gorilla has a new cast! 

Lol, it sounds like the title of a sweet social story book to show kids in the hospital, but no seriously one of the gorillas at the Cincinnati Zoo broke her arm and needed a cast, standard ones for kids weren’t strong enough for her so GE designed a titanium one! I love it when organizations work together to help species and individuals. It feels similar to Fiona the Hippos first few months when the vascular team had to come in to help get her IVs set.

I’ll get a picture next time I see her, probably post cast, but she’s still such a sweetie and Western Lowland Gorillas are very much endangered due in large part to habitat loss among other factors of course because it’s never that simple. We can help with this through supporting organizations that use only sustainable palm oil and never participating in animal “trophies” or using endangered animal products in “pseudo-medicine”/meals/whatever.


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